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INTRO WORKSHOP to Subtle Body Anatomy & Energy Medicine

Sunday February 16th, 10am-4pm, donation 95 euro, Ferns, Co. Wexford

​​​Please use the contact form to book your place, or email / message me directly if you're on the mailing list. 



Subtle Body Anatomy & Energy Medicine Foundation Training 2025


A 7-Module journey of Retrieving, ReClaiming and Restoring your physical, psychological, soul and spiritual coherent health through

an experiential as well as intellectual understanding of The Alchemical Laws of Creation.


Laws of Creation Alchemy - Subtle Body Anatomy & Energy Medicine Foundation Training 

- the Fundamental Natural Principles that govern all of creation - body/mind/soul/spirit - frequency/energy/vibration. An experiential remembrance journey of our electromagnetic and spiritual 


This training gives you a visceral & experiential understanding of how the divine intelligence that creates our lived experience; biological, physiological, psychological, ancestral and spiritual, is organised according to the Natural Laws & Principles of Creation in a, giving you the capacity to discern clearly, locate yourSelf in the middle of storms, and to choose and author your life from a place of authentic response-ability. Here, you learn to know your true bio-force capacity, your real aliveness - beyond conditioning, trauma and programming; you will know what it really means and feels like to Have, and to Hold your Self; in the expression of your original sovereign blue print, your Soul. 


It is highly recommended to take the whole training as this is a huge body of work that one year barely scratches the surface of (it's a task to compress lifetimes of practice and knowledge into a few weekends!) and because it's better to begin than not at all, you're also welcome to attend what you can through individual modules.


Each module deals with the biological, physiological & psychological aspects of the chakras, vayu's and kosha's through Real Practices and Inquiry that give you a direct, felt Knowing of this yogic alchemical eso- and exoteric science of the body, the mind, and Spirit. it gives you the experience of you being the author and choice point of creation of your experience in the midst of percieving The Physical, the Subtle and the Causal in their true Nature.  Each module unfolds according to the needs and levels of perception, understanding and Soul Readiness of each of the particpants. This knowledge is not intellectual and cannot be imposed before the readiness of its time, since it is the riches of our own souls and birthright. I merely point You to the Vault of Gold within yourself through this work; it's only purpose, and offer you the choice to Know and to Be with your Self. You, eash of us, are the Energy and thus the Medicine. How can we have 'power' or capacity if we have no awareness of it in real feeling? How can we make effective choices for change and transformation unless we Know, in our heart, gut and bones, what we're actually choosing?





Module 1: 8-9 March    (Root Chakra, Apana Vayu, Annamaya Kosha)

Module 2 : 5-6 April     (Sacral Chakra, Pranamaya Kosha)

Module 3: 10-11 May    (Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakra, Apana & Samana Vayu, Pranamaya Kosha)

Module 4: 7-8 June      (Solar Plexus & Heart Chakra, Samana & Prana Vayu, Pranamaya Kosha)

Module 5: 19 - 20 July (Heart & Throat Chakra,  Prana & Udana Vayu, Pranamaya and Vijnanamaya Kosha) 

Module 6:13-14 Sept    (Throat and Third Eye Chakra, Udana & Vyana Vayu, Vijnanamaya & Anandamaya Kosha)

Module 7: 18-19 Oct    ( Integration of Knowledge) 




Saturday & Sunday, 10am - 5pm each day. Training does not include accommodation or food




Whole Training: 1600 euro

Individual Module: 265 euro


Training includes:


The complete 144 page Manual of the Alchemy of Laws of Creation Manual called the Subtle Body Anatomy Manual for Yoga Teachers and Trainees.


An Individual Project to consolidate the learning of the material in relation to your real life reality.


A  One to One Session with Veronica and ongoing support throughout in relation to the course material


This training rolls around every few years. It will be another cycle of 3-5 years before it comes around again. 


In a time when it’s espoused that we don’t need teachers anymore, i can honestly say, from what i see in people and the world, that we are in desperate need for teachers and guides that have walked the path before us. 


Spirit is Matter and Matter is Spirit - We are the author, the co-creator, the experiencer and the witness, with tremendous untapped capacity. It is all available through these ancient mystery school wisdom teachings. 


Yoga means union, specifically of the separate but interconnected systems and pathways in the physical, mental, emotional, psyche and spiritual. This is often presumed but not understood, applied as an afterthought or philosophy imposed from the intellect onto any variety of shapes and movements, with the presumption that if you’re breathing slowly whilst stretching or efforting or relaxing, ‘yoga’ somehow happens by default, and whilst it is the case, that when we bring our attention to our breath and body, our attention thus gets focussed in the body and feeling ourselves in our body, as opposed to thinking about it, this still is a far way off what is actually available to us through the esoteric deep wisdom and science of yoga that comes from an understanding of the subtle body. ‘Yoga’ is not solely about arriving at a place of deeper relaxation or aliveness. The true teachings and knowledge of the Structuring of the Subtle Body works with our very own Soul, through lives past, present and future, that we may retrieve and re-member our Self, thus accessing our full capacity and creative function of life itself being fully operational, conscious and a case of choice and not chance, as to how we participate in reality and life. We here enter the realm of participating in life from a deep and grounded, indeed embodied sense of who and what we actually are, never separate from God, or all of the energy that this life is, not bound by time or age or programming, trauma or conditioning. 


This course is for teachers, healers, facilitators, seekers and finders! It is for you if you are ready to let go of temporary feel nice band aids and dive fully into the real power, responsibility and freedom you already know is within you. If you’ve been looking for a container that can hold all of your shit and all of your power so you can be free without having to believe dogmas, or subscribe to consensus, or create yet another contorted identity version of yourself, then this course is for you, and this is the time, for there IS no other time. 


Training Outline


Structuring the Subtle Body so you can consciously hold and function from the coherent blueprint of your Soul and Purpose:


Wisdom Teachings of the Nature of Reality, including the Body-Mind.

Physical energy pathway and centres practices - easily accessible for all.

Mind / Focus / Attention practices - Know Thy Self

Breathing - energy, power, vitality = healing


Unveiling and dissolving illusions that drain your energy and keep you stuck in the past. 


Self-Responsibility = awareness = freedom = choice = power = response-ability. Learn to be the Alchemist with the tremendous amount and power that we are simply by being alive and having a body and a mind!


Locating and establishing Who and What you are, and what you are here to do.





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